Birdhouse Gardening Basket


GBR02pg122006 c

How To Create:

Step 1: Create height and support

Baskets can be packed faster when a back support is used.  In this basket, the support doubles as theme-setting gift and also defines the finished height, which is one and half times the height of the GBR02pg12container- a standard rule in basket design.  Here, the gardening knee pad is placed in the center and bottom of the basket. Paper is wedged between the basket and kneepad to keep the pad upright.

Step 2: Packing Faster with Larger Components

A large box of sunflower cookies fills a little more than one side of the basket. A smaller box of cinnamon crackers fills the remaining portion of the basket. To balance the oversized box of sunflower cookies on the left a prepacked crate of coffee packets and a GBR02pg12Bbirdhouse votive candle holder are place to the right front of the basket.  To fill the remainder of the space in front of the sunflower cookies, gardening tools , gloves and a can of Cheese Crunch are clustered together as fillers.  The basket can be shrinkwrapped with the floral accents, or the greenery and blooms can be added with a cello wrap


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